A thought for 2015

I sat one winter's night, musing upon the significance of the simple and beautiful story around which all the rejoicing and festivity of Christmas are centred, and preceding, each year, the miraculous rebirth in Nature which is Spring. Could a nation shorn of the fruits of an outwardly lustrous past find rebirth and put forth new strength and growth? The fall and disappearance of proud empires down the winding road of time did not encourage such a hope; yet where before had thrived a brotherhood of nations such as ours? Must the great spirit of this ancient people give place to inner dissension and the cleavage of its vital force?”

- Ronald Heaver

PS While  Ronald Heaver could ably channel and heal, sadly, he was also a member of the obnoxious British-Israelite movement. The British-Israelites illegally dug up Ireland's sacred Hill of Tara in their crass quest to find the "true Ark of the Covenant" at the cusp of the 20th Century.  W B Yeats, Maud Gonne, Arthur Griffith, George Moore and Douglas Hyde successfully protested against this grim example of Christian Britain's domineering. Maud Gonne lit bonfire on the hill and sang old songs as part of the protest. The dig was stopped.  


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