The Flute Of Seven Stops
The Flute Of Seven Stops was a short story written by Dion Fortune and published in 1936 by Selwyn & Blount Ltd. It was one of fifteen stories included in the horror collection, Nightmare By Daylight , selected and edited by literary agent, Co-Mason and one-time Fraternity of the Inner Light initiate, Christine Campbell Thomson . CCT also published one of her own short stories, Empty Stockings , within its pages, under the pseudonym of Flavia Richardson. I suspect ardent readers of Dion Fortune will immediately recognise her style and thoroughly enjoy the read. The story does not appear to have ever been republished and the copyright has now expired. I have edited a small handful of words which were acceptable at the time, but which some modern readers may find now stick in the throat. Any spelling mistakes, omissions or layout foibles are exclusively my own. The Flute Of Seven Stops ~ by Dion F...