Saturday 4 April 2020

Drawing The Tree of Life - from the London Group 1975 Archives

Going through my London Group archive papers this weekend, I came across a simple guide to drawing your own Tree of Life. This was first published in 1975. I remember following a similar set of instructions while I was working through the Outer Court programme in the 1980s, although this was by then metric! 

In these strange times of COVID-19, self-isolation and quarantine, readers may enjoy experimenting with their own drawing skills. Here are the instructions:- 

Materials:             Sheet of paper. Pencil (preferably 4H) . Ruler. Compasses. 

Stage 1:                  Draw a vertical base line AD, say 8 inches long. 

Stage 2:                Mark the centre point B. 

Stage 3:                Using a quarter of the length AD as radius, draw circles along the base line. The  centre of these circles are to be a points B and C and at a point half way between A and B.

Stage 4:                Draw an arc from point A to cut the top circle. 

Stage 5:                With the ruler join the points of intersection of the circles. These are numbered 1 to 6 above. 

Stage 6:                Join the points 1 to 4, 2 to 5, 3 to 6, 1 and 4 to B and A, 2 and 5 to B, 3 and 6 to C and D as shown on the diagram.

These are your construction lines. Circles may now be drawn at point A, B, C, D and 1 to 6 to represent the sephiroth.

*          *          *

If you are feeling adventurous you can consider colouring in the circles - the sephiroth - in Queen Scale, or, using all four Scales in whatever way you creatively see fit.



  1. Was the inner court work of the london group centered solely around Qabalah?

  2. "Was the inner court work of the london group centered solely around Qabalah?" It may or may not have been. Inner court mystery work is precisely that -- inner!


The Springtime of Dion Fortune

There she is staring out at you...or maybe that should be "in to you"! Whether writing as Violet Firth, Violet M Steele...